Quantum Qi Gong Class Begins Sept. 30

by adam on September 17, 2012

Qi Gong For Health & Longevity

4 Classes Sunday, Sept. 30, Oct. 7, 14, 28 – 10am-11:30am
taught by Howard Moskow, A.P., P.T.
($20 per class, $60 for the series)

Howard’s Purpose
To empower individual and planetary healing and transformation.  To teach the most effective Qi cultivation (Qi Gong) techniques and support a deeper connection with source.

What is Qi Gong?
Qi Gong is a powerful system of healing and energy medicine.  It is the art and science of using breathing techniques, gentle movement and meditation to cleanse, strengthen, and circulate the life energy (qi).  Qi Gong practice leads to better health and vitality and a tranquil state of mind.  In the past, Qi Gong was also called nei gong (inner work) and dao yin (guiding energy).

Self-healing Qi Gong
Healing Qi Gong (also translated as “medical qi gong”) is the preventative and self-healing aspect of Chinese medicine. We are all exposed to stress. Qi Gong teaches us how to control our reactions to stress so that life events do not cause such symptoms as high blood pressure, frustration or anxiety. Healthy people practice Qi Gong to become super healthy. Healers use Qi Gong toprevent “healer burn-out” and to maintain a positive presence.

Benefits of Self-Healing Qi Gong
Experimental evidence suggests the following healing effects of qi gong exercises and meditations.

Cardiovascular : lower resting heart rate; normalized EKG, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels
Respiratory : slower respiratory rate, improves gaseous exchange, significant benefits for asthma & bronchitis
Immune System : better targeting of antigens, significant anti-cancer effect
Circulation : improves microcirculation, prevents vascular spasms, very helpful for angina, migraine, and Reynaud’s Syndrome (cold hands & feet)
Brain : improves cerebral blood flow, less incidence of stroke; reduction in frequency and intensity of seizure disorders; slow, high amplitude brainwaves suggest relaxed and integrated state of consciousness
Musculoskeletal : improves posture, balance, strength, stamina, flexibility
Chronic Pain : significant pain reduction from all causes, including injury, surgery, arthritis, fibromyalgia
Mental Health : decreases: stress response, Type A, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive, depression. Improves memory and interpersonal sensitivity
Longevity : improves: blood pressure, vital capacity, cholesterol and hormone levels, kidney function, mental acuity, vision and hearing, skin elasticity, bone density, immune function, digestion, balance, flexibility, strength, libido. Destroys free radicals (major cause of tissue degeneration) by stimulating activity of superoxide dismutase

What will be covered in the Qi Gong classes
*4 Classes will be starting Sunday, September 30, 10am-11:30am

The core qi gong techniques will include:

Standing meditation and activating the energy gates of the body – this is probably the single most effective technique for beginners.

Smiling eyes meditation and self-healing – similar to standing meditation but done sitting.

Micro-cosmic orbit meditation – connects the two central qi channels which feed all the acupuncture meridians

Space is extremely limited, call or email with your RSVP.


Howard has been practicing Qi gong for over 35 years.  He has studied with many gifted teachers of Qi gong and healing.  Highlights of his Qi gong background include:  Er Mei Qi gong with the lineage holder Fu Wei Zhong, Tai Qi and Qi gong with master Ahn, Daoist yoga with Mantak Chia, sound current meditation with guru Prem Sing Rawat and internal martial arts with grand master Lin Chih Young, one of the only grand masters of the complete taoist martial arts tradition.
Howard is a licensed Acupuncture Physician and Physical Therapist in Florida and N.Y.  He has taught throughout Europe and America and is now starting to teach in South Florida.

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